
Sharif Islam
Nov 5, 2021


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A critical look at Software, Algorithm, and Data with a multidisciplinary twist.

We live in a society mediated by software, algorithm, and data. Some of these mediations are manifested through social media, various platforms, and services. However, for a number (indeed, a significant number) of people around the world, our social, professional, economic, and political lives are increasingly being facilitated by digital connectivity between people, places, and things. This pervasive fabric of connected digital objects along with the underlying physical infrastructures, organizations, policies and the market forces related to this fabric now make up our “society” and “sociality”. As Geert Lovink succinctly puts it, there is no “social” anymore outside of social media. To take his idea a bit further — we now live in a S.A.D world.



Sharif Islam

Data Architect@Distributed System of Scientific Collections ( PhD in Sociology. Bachelor's in Math and CS from the University of Illinois.