What I’m reading now

Sharif Islam
1 min readOct 19, 2019


Excited about these two recent acquisitions.

The fact is that not sure how much I will be able to tackle Lucy Ellmann’s Ducks, Newburyport but I could not resist. I first saw and learned about her and this book when I was visiting Dublin a few months back. And last few weeks it has been prominently displayed at my local bookstore (Mayflower Bookshop Leiden, The Netherlands). And Nate Chinnen’s book was discovered at the cool Mondriaan Jazz Festival last week.

I also recently started using git to track my finished reading list. Check it out!



Sharif Islam

Data Architect@Distributed System of Scientific Collections (https://dissco.eu). PhD in Sociology. Bachelor's in Math and CS from the University of Illinois.